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10 Minutes with Halina Rice

Discover Brighton / Features

Dine & DJ

This month in Cooler Than You, we chat to Lisa, founder of Dine & DJ events for over 40s who are looking for a unique experience. Tell us about Dine & DJ? We create boutique events in...

Sixes Party Packages

It’s crazy to think that Christmas is just around the corner and now is the time to start thinking about how you will celebrate with your colleagues. Everyone deserves a treat after working hard...

Discover Brighton Russell Small

Russell Small Exclusive Interview

Words by Samantha Harman   Russell Small is a man who needs no introduction, his career as a DJ and producer spans 30-years and during that time he has enjoyed success as one half of The...

El Mistico

Words by Nikki Rollins   Imagine you’re heading to TOM with your friends, chatting away, excited to see El Mistico; the hypnotist and magician show. It’s a night you’ve...

Brighton Open Air Theatre

Words by Samantha Harman    BOAT enjoyed their 10th season this year, opening in May with a new production of the hit play ‘Kemble’s Riot’ written by the...

The Old Market: It’s History

Built as part of Charles Busby’s prestigious Brunswick Town development, The Old Market has been a stables, riding school, smokery and studio over its long history. The building dates back to...

September: One Garden Brighton

Words by Kairen Kemp   One Garden is a magical place where you can lose yourself in peace and tranquillity. You can just wander through this stunning walled garden...

George Street Tap

Words by Samantha Harman   The Big Stomp - A Charity Walk Raising Money For The Motor Neurone Disease Association  George Street Tap and many of the other Craft Union...

Sixes Social Cricket Brighton

Located under the iconic Brighton i360, right on the beachfront, Sixes Brighton is your all-day party destination. With large terraces and three outdoor nets, we’ve blended the thrill of cricket...

Max Kindley Hair Review

Words by Samantha Harman   My hair had mile long roots, was dry as a bone and in need of some serious TLC. Enter hairdresser extraordinaire, Max Kindley who works out...

Seagull Stories Brighton

Words by Samantha Harman   Seagull squawking is the backing track of Brighton and Hove with 4am alarm calls accepted as the norm. Ask any of the disgruntled tourists who have fallen foul of...


Discover Brighton gets the low down from Codesouth Development Manager Darren Carnaby about some exciting new developments at the (former) pirate radio station. CodeSouth is finally legal after...

Sobar Sessions

Words by Samantha Harman   This month we chat to Isadore creator of Sobar Sessions. Her events give the people of Brighton and Hove an opportunity to party without...

Brighton’s Sustainable Fashion Week – StylePixie

Brighton’s Sustainable Fashion Week Is Back Again! Save the date!  As we think about the future of fashion, our wardrobes and our buying habits, many of us are leaning towards a more sustainable...

Survivor’s Network

Words by Pippa Moyle   Two million women a year are victims of male violence. One in 12. 3,000 crimes a day. A 37% rise in violence in just five years. These are the...