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10 Minutes with Halina Rice

Discover Brighton / Features

Pop Specs / Revolutionary Eyewear

The founders of Pop Specs story is inspiring to say the least. Two friends who met at university came up with a groundbreaking idea that would shake up the eyewear industry and then pitched that...

Vinyl DJs

Everyone remembers buying their first record. Or at least I could have made that statement just over a decade ago. In a world of music-on-demand, the physical act of owning music has become more...

PLATF9RM / Co-Working In Brighton And Hove

For freelancers, flexible workers or work-from-home fugitives you can find your choice of memberships and day passes to put you in control of your space and time. Walk into Platf9rm and the first...

Not a Band – Jingle Ball Xmas Party

Live Themes and Memes Do not adjust your TV sets… welcome to the world of Not A Band This December 20th, Not a Band Xmas Party snowballs into The Rosehill to kickstart that festive feeling you...

StylePixie / The Power of Colour

Ever had one of those days when people are really drawn to you? You seem to be receiving an abundance of compliments. You catch yourself in the mirror and feel confident with the way you look....

Independent Music Venues

On the back buzz of a roaring Mutations Festival last month (5th-9th November 2024) a festival that unifies Brighton’s diverse music scene into a multi-venue microcosm of “ones to watch” -  there...

Jools Holland And His Rhythm & Blues Orchestra

In 1980 I was a fledgling actor and make-up artist knocking around London at the same time as keyboard player Jools Holland was leaving Squeeze who he’d been a founder member in 1974.  He...

Puzzle Bored

Chances are you’ve walked past the colourfully fronted Puzzle Bored on New Road in Brighton and you may have wondered what it’s all about. We chatted to owner Mark to ask that very question. ...

Brighton Music Hall / More Than Just Summer

As Mariah would say, ‘It’s tiiiiimmmmeeee!’ and nothing screams Christmas more than being warm and cosy inside your own magical festive igloo with views of the beach while listening to talented...

Royal Pavilion Ice Rink

Discover writer Emily Hince visits the Brighton Royal Pavilion for a fairy-tale evening on ice. Hurrying slightly behind our Saturday 6pm slot through the dark, concealed gardens, I must admit a...

Burning The Clocks 2024

The much loved winter solstice celebration returns with a ‘Voyager’ theme for 2024.  Following the success of last year’s biggest ever Burning the Clocks event, organisers at Same Sky are growing...

Cooler Than You

This month Discover was fortunate enough to chat to Santa Claus who took time out of his busy schedule to chat to us over Zoom all the way from the North Pole.  Thanks for speaking to us for our...

Slide 1828

Bringing the Fun Back to Dating for 18-28 Year Olds. It’s fair to say many of us are disillusioned with dating apps. The majority of people, particularly women, are fed up with ineffectual...

Fancy Flying Around Brighton in a Gyrocopter?

Fly Gyrocopter are taking flights from Brighton City Airport around the delights of Brighton coastline, Devils Dyke, Beachy Head and the Isle of Wight. You’ll be flying in an open cockpit...

SGUT & Coached Rules for a Bulletproof Christmas

At SGUT & Coached, we’ve got a simple set of rules to navigate the festive chaos. Stick to these, and you’ll sail through Christmas without undoing the hard graft you’ve put in all year....